(Source: Sammy Katta's Diversity Posters, adapted by Liz Haswell)
Thank you for showing your support for racial justice, diversity, and inclusion in your lab! Rather than charging for these posters, we are asking you to make a commitment to continuous allyship for historically marginalized and underrepresented communities if you print and display this poster in your lab.
This means, at a minimum:
Educating yourself about racial justice and systemic discrimination against marginalized communities.
Participating in the Diversify Plant Science Initiative from ASPB.
Listening to and uplifting voices from these communities even when they challenge your assumptions and make you uncomfortable.
Speaking out and pushing for change when you see microaggressions or institutional policies that disadvantage these communities, both within your lab and within the larger campus community
Making space and time for trainees to heal, take care of their communities, or fight for justice, and continuing to provide financial, career, and other support while they do so
Donating, when you have the means, to organizations that promote the success and well-being of marginalized communities in STEM or in the larger community. Examples include (but are not limited to):
Fellowship for the Future by 500 Women Scientists
If you share this poster with others, I ask that you share this link, rather than sharing the files or directly linking the poster, to ensure that anyone who displays this poster in their lab understands what it really means.
If you commit to these actions, click the button below to download the posters.